*ALE Part 1: FREE INTRO via Zoom August 30 @ 6 pm MT *

Join us for "The Three Distractions—To Choosing Great Job Opportunities", the FREE INTRO to Authentic Life Expression (ALE) Part 1: Personality Re-orientation on ZOOM at 6:00 pm MDT on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. No Prerequisites required. You will receive recordings of the free Intro including Video, downloadable Pdfs of class slides, and mp3 audio file via email within 48 hours. This thought-provoking conversation is meant to challenge our upper boundary limits to choosing great job opportunities. We are laying the foundation for and preparing the way for our Authentic Life Expression. Authentic Life Expression (ALE) Part 1: Personality Re-orientation is a 12-week Zoom series on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. MDT, from September 6 through November 22, 2022. Join us on Tuesday August 30 at 6:00 p.m. MDT for our FREE INTRO.
SKU: VC1082_99