Products tagged with 'authentic life expression (ale)'
* Triadic Blessings: Reconciling Human Life Lessons * Free Intro * Tuesday, September 10 @ 6 pm MDT **
Triadic Blessings - Reconciling Human Life Lessons is a Zoom FREE INTRO to The Wisdom of Triad Lessons on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. MDT. Many of us begin in a state defined as an unknown unknown. Our attempt to be someone who matters helps us to define what we wish to become. In this class, we assemble twelve frameworks of Triads to complete and neutralize reactions, so we can focus on what matters. Our self-discovery process shows participants how to bring certain elements to the fore to create our own experiences of contribution. Join us live on Zoom or we provide a video, a downloadable Pdf of the class, and an mp3 audio file for later review.
**ALE Part 2: Manifesting Our Authentic Life Expression - 12-week Series on Tuesdays 1/24 - 4/11
Authentic Life expression (ALE) Part 2: Manifesting Our Creative Expression is a 12-week course on Tuesdays from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm MST, beginning January 24, 2023, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. Authentic Life expression (ALE), Part 2: Manifesting Our Creative Expression is an expansion of building a continuity of consciousness about our creativity that persists through time as we explore and expand our purpose and Authentic Life Expression. In Authentic Life Expression Part 1, we learned to heal and re-orient our Personality Self. Having done ALE Part 1, we can challenge any guilt, shame or blame and define ourselves as being the creative source that transcends our personality patterns. Living into our creative nature opens the door to new ways of viewing the world. Our Authentic Life Expression is how we contribute in a way that both fulfills us and supports creative flow with others. ALE Part 1 is required for taking ALE Part 2. ***Scholarships and financial support available: Contact Sandy at ***
**Wisdom of Triad Life Lessons ** Tuesdays 9/17 - 12/3 @ 6 pm MT<
In Wisdom of Triad Life Lessons: Completing Our Personality Lessons, we empower our relationship consciousness and choices. We learn how to appreciate Triads to solidify and expand our wisdom. These patterns are shortcuts that assist us in seeing the larger purpose of our life and contribution. This will sharpen our perceptions and accelerate our development. This is a live Web Class Series held on 12 Tuesdays, September 17 through December 3, 2024, for $495. For each of the12 live web classes plus the free intro, we provide videos, downloadable pdfs of classes, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness is suggested.
*Triadic Blessings: Reconciling Human Life Lessons* * Free Intro * Tuesday, September 10 @ 6 pm MDT
Triadic Blessings - Reconciling Human Life Lessons is a Zoom FREE INTRO to The Wisdom of Triad Lessons on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. MDT. Many of us begin in a state defined as an unknown unknown. Our attempt to be someone who matters helps us to define what we wish to become. In this class, we assemble twelve frameworks of Triads to complete and neutralize reactions, so we can focus on what matters. Our self-discovery process shows participants how to bring certain elements to the fore to create our own experiences of contribution. Join us live on Zoom or we provide a video, a downloadable Pdf of the class, and an mp3 audio file for later review.